Five reasons why vertical farming is still the future, despite all the recent business failures

The world’s largest indoor vertical farm closed its doors in late 2024, capping a bad run for this fledgling sector.
Octavio Hahn · about 21 hours ago · 2 minutes read

The Rise and Fall of Plant Factories: Exploring the Future of Controlled-Environment Agriculture

The Crisis: Plant Factories Close Doors

The agricultural landscape is facing a significant setback as multiple plant factories, including the world's largest facility in Compton, Los Angeles, have halted operations and declared bankruptcy.

High energy costs, increased transportation expenses, and rising interest rates have dealt a severe blow to these businesses.

Beyond the Hype: Reasons Behind the Failures

Critics dismiss plant factories as a fad, citing challenges such as high energy consumption, labor shortages, and financial instability.

However, it's crucial to recognize that vertical farming is still in its experimental stages, hindered by the costs of electricity and limited availability of sustainable energy.

Reasons for Optimism: The Gartner Hype Cycle and Innovation

Despite the current setbacks, vertical farming has the potential to flourish given the rising need for greenhouse gas reduction and the threat to food security.

As renewable energy becomes more affordable, the cost of plant factory operations will decline, and the sector is likely to experience a resurgence.

The Bioeconomy Boom and Plant Demand

The shift from fossil fuels to a circular bioeconomy will increase the demand for green plants as feedstocks for a wide range of industries, putting pressure on land resources for food production.

Vertical farming, with its ability to recycle water and nutrients, will play a vital role in meeting this demand.

Scientific Advancements: Harnessing the Power of Light

Scientific discoveries continue to drive vertical farming innovation. Tunable wavelength LEDs have shown the profound impact of specific spectral bands on crop growth and nutritional quality.

The ability to precisely control the farming environment allows for tailored food production, addressing specific nutritional needs and combating health challenges.

Horses for Courses: Different Locations, Different Needs

Plant factory operations in California, a state renowned for favorable growing conditions, face unique challenges compared to regions with limited local production, such as Singapore.

Adapting plant factories to specific geographical needs will ensure their relevance and success.

Hybrid Solutions: Intensive Hydroponic Greenhouses

Intensive hydroponic greenhouses, a less technologically advanced form of controlled-environment agriculture, have proven their commercial viability for decades.

These greenhouses will likely expand their operations in the future, offering a combination of efficiency and food security in areas facing growing challenges.